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Карта отеля

Карта отеля
Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch, гостиница Шэньчжэнь Шэньчжэнь Шэньчжэнь Шэньчжэнь Шэньчжэнь расположена в городе наньшань, в городе шэньчжэнь, в районе города наньшань, в центре города, в парке чжуншань, на северной кольцевой бульваре, на южной горе, Управление общественной безопасности, город синьаньгу, дорога юйцюань и так далее.
номер небольшой, но уютный. есть все необходимое, в номере есть все необходимое, есть все необходимое, есть все необходимое, есть все необходимое для жизни и быта гостей, в номере есть холодильник, телевизор, фен, чайник, чайник, стол, зонтик, минеральная вода, некоторые номера с мини - холодильниками, частные сейфы и другое электронное оборудование.в комнате подают чай, кофе, шлёпанцы, бренды для ванны и купальники. душ в тропическом дождевом лесу делает вас более чистым шум городского беспокойства и усталости.
в гостинице « Санто - домик» есть два многоцелевых конференц - зала, где можно одновременно принять 80 человек.на первом этаже кафетерий, а на втором этаже модная кантонская кухня, частная кухня на весь день, обслуживание, вкусное, не может быть защищено.
гостиница « шэньчжэнь» расположена на расстоянии 5 минут от линии метро « таобао» (Таоюань), университета Шэньчжэня;расстояние до научно - технического парка, прибрежного города, окна мира, пристани змеи занимает всего 10 минут.для того чтобы добраться до порта Шэньчжэньского залива, стадион в шэньчжэньском заливе занимает всего 15 минут.от порта императорской банды, Выставочного центра, электронная площадь чжун - Бэй, китай.удобное расположение, удобное сообщение, удобное расположение для людей, занимающихся бизнесом и отдыхом.
[Подробное введение]
Вопросы и ответы
  • Как далеко этот отель от Baoan International Airport?

    Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch 15.6km от аэропорта.

  • Предоставляет ли Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch услугу трансфера?

    Да, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами после бронирования.

  • Какое время заезда и выезда в Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch?

    Время заезда: с 14:00, а время выезда: 12:00-14:00 в Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch.

  • Есть ли в Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch бассейн и Занятия по фитнесу ?

    Нет, в отеле нет бассейна или тренажерного зала. Информацию о бассейне и тренажерный зал и других удобствах вы найдете на этой странице.

  • Eсть ли Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch ресторан?

    Да, вы можете поесть в отеле.

  • Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch Есть ли широкополосный доступ или Wi-Fi?

    Да, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с сотрудниками стойки регистрации отеля для уточнения деталей.

  • Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch Вы принимаете предоплату?

    Примите, пожалуйста, отправьте ваш заказ, прежде чем связаться с нами.

  • Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch Принимать оплату кредитной картой?

    Нет, отель не принимает кредитные карты.

  • Сколько стоит завтрак для Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch?

    завтрак CNY40 / чел.

  • Сколько стоит проживаниe Sentosa Hotel Shenzhen Majialong Branch?

    Цены начинаются с CNY600, в зависимости от типа номера и даты.

ОТЗЫВЫ больше
  • Bonnie climb climb
    It's a good location to make a reservation for the company's colleagues. It's not far from the office
  • dasspield
    The hotel has convenient transportation, good hardware facilities and normal service. There are supermarkets and hotels downstairs
  • bspace23
    not bad
  • e00063194
    The hotel is newly opened, with good decoration and high cost performance, but it's not very convenient to take a taxi in the morning
  • sisia
    The environment is generally good, isn't it
  • cuiyatou
    Comfortable, good service, first choice for business. The Chinese food in the other two stores of Shengtao is also good. It's very close and convenient to park! It will be the first choice to arrive in Nanshan District next time!
  • alin198403
    Very good, very satisfied
  • woaixgll
    Good room facilities, convenient location, cost-effective
  • lotou
    Good location, convenient surroundings, convenient food, convenient transportation, close to the Science Park... The room facilities are also good, and the hygiene is very good...
  • e04962396
    Overall, it's OK. It's convenient to go to the science park.
  • e01179890
    Generally, the room is too small
  • bandology
    Not bad, eh. You can stay next time
  • cocacoder
    Long term support. The environment is good. Nice room
  • paulo80333
    It's OK!
  • gongjy
    It's pretty good. The location is good. There's also a parking lot. It's much better than the Express Hotel. The front desk is quite cold...
  • pop711
    The hotel service is very good and the location is great! Good setting!
  • AvivaMax
    I've lived many times, as always
  • alanwolf
    The environment has been moved, but it's good inside. The price is reasonable
  • e00002337
    Good environment
  • sallyfu33
    Room sanitation, equipment and facilities, surrounding environment, hotel service are OK
  • APPLE1215
    Living in the business suite on the 8th floor, I couldn't sleep at all because of the roar of generators and fans all night above my head; The front desk of the hotel also admitted this problem, hoping that the engineering department would really pay attention to it, and it would be a night of torture; Escape decisively
  • robbygao
    Fairly good. The location is easy to find
  • sl19870122
    The geographical location is a little biased. There are only some small shops around. The air conditioner in the room is too loud to sleep at night.
  • Andy6618
    not bad
  • xingwn
  • ees1yl
    It's average. It's not cost-effective
  • alice8206504
    Near Nanshan Science and Technology Park, Zhongshan Park is a 10 minute walk away. The environment is very quiet. You can take a walk, play ball and watch the stars. The hotel room is relatively large and comfortable. There are many restaurants and convenience stores around the hotel, which is convenient for life.
  • eden GEON
    The room is clean and tidy, the surroundings of the hotel are general, the hotel service is considerate, and the equipment and facilities are perfect.
  • local123
    Rubbish. No WiFi! Send a router or bad!
  • E03139378
    There are quite a lot of meals around. The recommended environment is quite good
  • dyand
    The room smells heavy. It's hard to take a taxi in the morning
  • carroletrip
    A hotel with high cost performance
  • d00907680
    The convenience store is very convenient
  • AL2054
    Shopping, catering, transportation are very convenient, the room is equipped with multi connector charger, very intimate
  • COCO228119
    Basically, I live here every business trip. It's still very good
  • LIN Suppa
    It's a good hotel, but it's a little bit chaotic around.
  • maerjj
    When I was on a business trip, I felt very good. I've been living there all the time. It's very clean
  • foxymeier
    Breakfast is very average. The air outlet of the air conditioner in the room is too loud.
  • DavyJ.Wang
    The location of the hotel is very good, and it's convenient to go to and from the airport, but the smoke smell in the room is heavy!
  • e00057168
    I've lived many times. The sanitation is good. It's close to the workplace and convenient to eat!
  • Lisa.yin
    not so bad
  • wangjinfang86
    Not bad
  • dgjuly
    It has a musty smell
  • mad cust
    It is close to Nanhai Avenue in the North Ring Road. The business hotel has high cost performance and the rooms are clean and comfortable
  • e00117601
    The overall feeling of the hotel is good. It's worth the price. The hotel is not large. But it's comfortable
  • yiyue
    The hotel environment and decoration are good, the room service attitude is quite good, and the replacement of things is also very timely. It's very convenient to live here for business trip to the software park. It's highly recommended.
  • e00018442
    It's very good. I check in a lot. I recommend you to go. The traffic is OK.
  • dou Peas
    Overall, it's pretty good, especially at such a price
  • jennifel520
    The room smells bad and the decoration is old.
  • caixiaoyi1975
    Cockroach medicine in some rooms on the seventh floor of the hotel tastes great and can't stand it. At present, it's better to change to other rooms. It's closer to Zhongshan Park and Nanshan Science and technology park.